Obstacle Area 2, 3, 4 – CAAM | Aeronautical Information Management

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Obstacle Area 2, 3, 4

Obstacle Area 2, 3, 4

With the introduction of TOD in Amendment 33 to ICAO Annex 15, ICAO has defined four coverage areas where different numerical requirements apply for terrain and obstacle Data.
• Area 1 The entire territory of a State
• Area 2 The vicinity of an aerodrome
• Area 3 An area bordering the movement area on an aerodrome
• Area 4 The radio altimeter area operating in front of a precision approach runway, Category II or III.
With Amendment 36 to ICAO Annex 15, Area 2 was broken down into four sub-areas. The areas are defined in ICAO Annex 15 and ICAO PANS-AIM.

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WBGB Aerodrome Obstacles Chart – ICAO Type A

Obstacles within the take-off area of an aerodrome up to 10 km from the end of the runway.

WBGB Digital Surface Model

Matrix of points that determine the correlated elevation of the ground around the Aerodrome. Represents bare earth surface.

WBGB Orthophoto

Colour (RGB) stereo imagery that covers the entire obstacles surfaces, for each runway at each aerodrome. 11-bit or 16-bit imagery with X, Y and Z for each raster point.

WBGB Airport Mapping Database

Nodes and edges of the Associated Aerodrome Surface Routing Network. This represents a subset of an aerodrome that is suitable for taxiing special-seized aircraft.

WBGB Digital Terrain Model

Matrix of points that determine the correlated elevation of the ground around the Aerodrome. Represents bare earth surface.

WBGB Area 3 Obstacles Data

At instrument flight rules (IFR) aerodromes/heliports, from runway edge to movement areas.

WBGB Aerodrome Obstacles Chart – ICAO Type B

Obstacles within the take-off area of an aerodrome up to 10 km from the end of the runway.

WBGB Aerodrome Surface Routing Network

Nodes and edges of the Associated Aerodrome Surface Routing Network. This represents a subset of an aerodrome that is suitable for taxiing special-seized aircraft.

WBGB Annex 14 Obstacle

The obstacles within the Annex-14 Obstacle Limitation Surfaces (OLS)

WBGB Area 2 Obstacle

Area 2 consists of Area 2a, Area 2b and 2c. Area 2a is a rectangular area around a runway that comprises the runway strip plus any clearway that exists. Area 2 b is an area extending from the ends of Area 2a with a length of 10 km. Area 2c is an area extending outside Area 2a and Area 2b at a distance of not more than 10km from the boundary of Area 2a.